Why do credentials matter?
For those who have the call of God on their lives for ministry, credentials are the link to an organization from which resources are received, to which the minister provides cooperative support, and through which there is transparency and accountability.
The credentialing process with the Assemblies of God is a vetting process and a “stamp of affirmation and approval” that authorizes the performance of all church ordinances and ceremonies according to applicable federal or state laws. In addition, credentials endorse the candidate for various expressions of ministry leadership in the local church and the parachurch context.
Certified Minister
Candidates shall devote full or part-time service to Christian ministry. They must articulate a call to ministry and show promise of effectiveness in gospel work.
licensed minister
In addition to the requirements of the Certified Minister, qualifications for the Ministry License shall include clear evidence of a divine call, character and preparation suitable for that calling, practical ministry experience, and an evident purpose to devote one’s life in service to the proclamation of the gospel.
Ordained Minister
Candidates shall have mature experience, evidence of fruitful ministry, and be qualified to undertake the responsibilities of full gospel ministries. Applicants must be twenty-three years or older and have held the Ministry License credential for two years.
Before you Apply
Have experienced a new spiritual birth (John 3:5).
Have a testimony to having received the baptism in the Holy Spirit according to Acts 2:4 with the initial physical evidence of speaking in tongues.
Have clear evidence of a divine call to the ministry evidenced by a personal conviction.
Have a blameless Christian life and a good report (Titus 1:7; 1 Timothy 3:7)
Have a thorough understanding of and agreement with our fundamental truths.
Faithfully attend an Assemblies of God church.
Be actively engaged in some aspect of ministry.
Have the recommendation of their pastor.
Be at least eighteen years old.
Be interviewed by the District Council Credentials committee.
Pass exams to demonstrate their knowledge of the Bible, doctrine, and church polity.
Candidates must complete courses prescribed by the General Presbytery for each credential level or be recommended by the District Credentials Committee as qualifying for credentials through self-study and ministerial experience.
For more information regarding the educational requirements, click HERE
If married, neither the applicant nor the spouse may have a living spouse from a previous marriage unless:
The divorce occurred before conversion
There was unfaithfulness
Fraud was committed
The believer was abandoned by the unbeliever
Domestic violence against the spouse or child occurred
If any of the above applies to your situation, please contact Randy Lee (rlee@nomoag.org) before proceeding with credentialing.
All ministerial applicants and upgrades must consent to a General Council-mandated background check which includes:
National Criminal File Search
Social Security Verification
Felony Including Misdemeanor
County Court Records Search
State Sexual Offender Database Search
A Credit Report
If you have a criminal record, please contact Randy Lee (rlee@nomoag.org) before proceeding with the credentialing process.
All applicants must abstain from using tobacco, alcohol, illegal or recreational drugs in any form, and involvement with pornography, gambling, or other questionable behavior.
Application process
We are excited that you are taking the next step on your ministry journey by applying for credentials! If you’re applying for the first time or upgrading to the next level, please begin by filling out our
Our credential specialist is available to help you navigate this process. Don't hesitate to contact Randy Lee (rlee@nomoag.org) if you have any questions.
Once we have received your credential inquiry form, a member of the Credentials Committee will contact you to review your Credential Inquiry form.
Contact Randy Lee (rlee@nomoag.org) to request a credential application.
Deadlines for submitting the credential application and supporting documents are:
For January Presbytery Interview: December 30
For March Presbytery Interview: February 28
For July Presbytery Interview: June 30
For October Presbytery Interview: September 30
Once we receive your application and all supporting documents (references, background check disclosure, information and authorization releases, etc.), it is time to take your exams.
All applicants must complete each level's required General Council exams before a credentialing interview. A study guide for the exams will be provided.
Certified Minister - requires two exams (Bible & Doctrine)
Licensed Minister - requires three exams (Bible, Doctrine, & Polity) unless upgrading from the Certified Minister credential.
There is no exam requirement for Ordained Minister candidates.
A score of 70% or higher is required to pass each exam.
Contact Randy Lee (rlee@nomoag.org) to schedule a time to take your exam(s).
Credential interviews are held in January, March, July, and October.
Your spouse is required to join you. Interviews typically last approximately an hour and a half.
Contact Randy Lee (rlee@nomoag.org) to schedule your interview.
Following the interview, the Presbytery will vote on whether or not to recommend you to the General Council Credentials Committee. The credentials become effective upon General Council approval, except for Ordination, which is effective at the credentialing ceremony held at the annual District Conference.
After the General Council has approved your credential, you will be recognized (or ordained, if applicable) at the upcoming Northern Missouri Assemblies of God District Conference held in late April or early May.
It is important that you make plans to participate in this special service.
To begin the process to upgrade your credentials, complete this form.
Applicants who desire to reinstate a ministerial credential that has lapsed must submit the following documents along with a reinstatement fee of $150:
Reinstatement Application
Background Disclosure
Information & Authorization Release
Information & Authorization Release for Spouse (if applicable)
Bankruptcy Questionnaire (if applicable)
An interview is required if a credential has lapsed for over two years.
The written exam and interview are required if a credential has lapsed for over seven years.
If the credential lapsed or was resigned in a District other than the Northern Missouri Assemblies of God, a letter of good standing from the previous District should be submitted with the reinstatement application.
If a minister reinstates within the first three months of the calendar year after lapsing, General Council dues from the previous year must be paid.
If you are interested in beginning the reinstatement process, please get in touch with Randy Lee (rlee@nomoag.org)
your commitment
Every credentialed Assemblies of God minister, regardless of their credential level (certified, licensed, or ordained) and status (active, disabled, senior active, senior retired), must renew annually.
The deadline for renewal is December 31. Please respond immediately to avoid any late fees. Any past-due District tithes must be submitted with the renewal.
All renewals postmarked after December 31 will be charged a $50 late fee.
Applications postmarked after January 15 will require reinstating your credentials, accompanied by a $150 reinstatement fee.
NOMOAG ministers send 75% of their tithe of ministry income (7.5% of their total ministry income, both salary and housing) and 25% of the tithe of their secular income (2.5% of their total secular income) to NOMOAG every month.
Regardless of income, ministers (except “senior retired”) are at least expected to contribute to NOMOAG the same amount that they contribute to the General Council each year. Ministers support the General Council as noted in the Bylaws excerpts below.
General Council Bylaws Article VII. Ministry, Section 10. f.
Support of Headquarters: The work of The General Council of the Assemblies of God, in its program of developing the spirit of cooperation and fellowship in U.S. and world missions fields, incurs considerable expense, including the financial support of the executive officers and offices.
The required minimum is:
Ordained - $25 per month ($300 per year)
Licensed - $20 per month ($240 per year)
Certified - $10 per month ($120 per year)
Compliance with the above requirements shall be a prerequisite for renewing the credentials of all active ministers. If their contributions are in arrears, they shall be given an opportunity to meet this deficit with their renewal.
Membership in The General Council of The Assemblies of God is based on cooperative fellowship. A cooperative fellowship provides certain benefits and invokes responsibilities upon its members.
This working relationship can be described as “voluntary cooperation.” “Voluntary” means that individual members voluntarily commit to the benefits of working together in a common effort.
“Cooperation” means that each member will comply with and support the body's decisions to the best of his or her ability. These decisions set forth and define the duties and responsibilities incumbent upon each member of the fellowship.
Hence, “voluntary cooperation” means that when a person of his or her own free will decides to become a cooperating member of The General Council of The Assemblies of God, his or her cooperation is committed to the fellowship and is no longer optional.
Every applicant ought to feel that the organization of The General Council of The Assemblies of God is the fellowship God has called them into. They are to be like-minded, adhering to the same tenets of faith, principles, purposes, and practices as those they now join. They must be committed to the fellowship, willing to share its privilege and blessing and cooperate with its ministries. They must be guided by and, when necessary, accept the discipline and direction of National or District leadership.
A full overview of the credentialing requirements and process.
A checklist of necessary steps and requirements to obtain your credentials.
Our revised district bylaws.
Our revised district bylaws.
Reference Forms
For Certified/ Licensed applicants:
THIS FORM should be filled out by 2 employers and emailed or mailed to the district office.
For Certified/ Licensed applicants:
THIS FORM should be filled out by 3 friends and emailed or mailed to the district office.
For Certified/ Licensed applicants:
THIS FORM should be filled out by your Lead Pastor and emailed or returned to the district office.
Financial Forms
A description of a minister’s financial obligation and form of agreement.
A minister’s agreement to adhere to a financial code of ethics.
A form giving consent to the district for electronic contributions.

“Now these are the gifts Christ gave to the church: the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, and the pastors and teachers. Their responsibility is to equip God’s people to do his work and build up the church, the body of Christ.”
Ephesians 4:11-12